Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sunday in the emergency room...

This weekend I found myself in the emergency room for over ten hours. I woke up with a high fever and chills around 2:00 am Sunday morning. I tried to sleep it off, and sleep I did. No such luck, I awoke feeling worse. I planned on driving myself to the hospital earlier but at this point I can barely stand. I'm much too dizzy and lightheaded to drive. The real dilemma. Who do I call?!?! Its strange, my mother can be told the same story regarding three separate people and her response tends to always be different. For example if one of my uncles becomes ill she always encourages them to go to the doctor and in the past would volunteer my services to make them an appointment. She on occasion has even pushed them to go to the hospital because of her deep concern for their health. Now take the same circumstances, doesn't really matter what they are, but substitute my brother or myself as the sick person. In regards to my brother, she'll baby him and urge him to take some over the counter medication but rarely if ever take him to the doctor. Where I'm concerned, I'm left to my own devices. I do have a natural flair for the dramatic in everything. Perhaps this is why most my family holds the same opinion of me. Regardless of the situation they tend to believe I must be exaggerating. I like to think I can highlight problems in such a way that people have to pay attention. I'm going off topic. My point being that my mother will, pardon the cliche, pull out all the stops for everyone but where I'm concerned she expects me to handle it. That's fine, I'm used to handling things on my own. As a result of this I'm reluctant to ask for help when I need it and when I do ask for help I'm usually met with resistance. The phone call I decided to call my step-dad and ask him to take me to the hospital. I knew he wouldn't want to but I also knew he wouldn't say no. I expressed my frustrations to him about my mother and how she prioritizes things. He asked if I told her about how I was feeling and I told him no. He told her about my trip to the hospital and that I had also asked if they would allow my brother to pick me up once I'd been seen. They agreed. My family was having a party for my cousin's birthday so all were occupied with that. ER visit I was there for hours and I did receive treatment. I was dehydrated with a viral something causing my fever. They gave me meds to treat the abdominal cramps, nausea and pain. I drank tons of pedialyte at home and this helped me feel 80% better by the next day. Rest and fluids helped most of all. The next day My mother calls to ask how I'm feeling. She asks in detail about the ER visit. She states that she wants to be sure she doesn't have to come see me. Color me confused. This is very unlike my mother. She doesn't like to be bothered with anything. Ever. I don't know what to make of it. Even if I was feeling ill I wouldn't ask her to drop by because I know it would be more of an annoyance to her than anything. I've spent most of my life serving my mother and trying to minimize the many annoyances in her life. Maybe I should give her more credit but in the 27 years I've been alive its always been exactly the same thing.

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